Indexed Universal Life Sales Academy Part 4

Join us for Part 4 of our 4-part sales training series, powered by Ameritas. In this session, The Ameritas IUL Sales Success Story, we’ll explore the wide range of Indexed Universal Life (IUL) products available in the Ameritas portfolio and what sets Ameritas apart in the competitive IUL market. Key topics include:

• A deep dive into the variety of IUL options in the Ameritas portfolio and how they benefit both advisors and clients
• What makes Ameritas unique in the IUL space and how you can leverage that in your sales strategy
• Understanding the combination of life insurance coverage, cash value growth, and impressive living benefits
• How customers can choose from multiple index accounts and make adjustments over time
• Key attributes successful advisors must possess to excel in selling IULs

Don’t miss this final session in our series—gain the knowledge and strategies you need to close more IUL sales and elevate your business with Ameritas!
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