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We are Lean and Agile
Recurring Webinar
Join the webinar hosted by Andy Sandford of https://www.weareleanandagile.com/events/ to hear how 3 Councils in the SW with large rural areas have used Microsoft Teams to add Value in their organisations. Hear from Dave Witts at Cornwall Council, ...
  • Tuesday, December 7, 2021 · 4:00 PM GMT
    Join Andy Sandford Director of We are Lean and Agile and Grazia Antonacci Deputy Theme Lead Innovation and Evaluation NIHR ARC NWL (Imperial College London) for this interactive webinar. Even if you cannot make the live webinar register and you wi...
  • Tuesday, June 9, 2020 · 12:30 PM BST
    A tried and tested goal setting technique, useful at home or at work. Particularly relevant around things we know we influence, but we don’t know how!

    Setting goals for yourself is a way to fuel your ambition. Goal setting isn't just about creati...
  • Tuesday, May 26, 2020 · 12:30 PM BST
    Recognising triggers and how to effectively manage the wellbeing for yourself and those around you.

    Wellbeing and emotional intelligence Well-being is the experience of health, happiness, and prosperity. It includes having good mental health, hig...
  • Thursday, May 21, 2020 · 2:30 PM BST
    Wardley Maps are all about strategy. To be more precise, they are about building an intuitive and shareable understanding of your context to provide the situational awareness necessary for building a sound strategy.

    Learn about the technique tha...
  • Tuesday, May 19, 2020 · 12:30 PM BST
    Don't miss this webinar with Bruno Pešec of Playing Lean fame.

    We will discuss:

    - How can the public sector benefit from the Lean Startup?

    - How does the Lean Startup dovetail with traditional improvement methodologies?

    - How was Playing Lean ...
  • Wednesday, May 13, 2020 · 12:30 PM BST
    We have all delivered (in the Public and Private sector) unprecedented levels of change to tackle the COVID crisis. Many things have been changed and technologies proved that would previously have taken years to implement.

    This has got many lead...
  • Tuesday, May 12, 2020 · 12:30 PM BST
    Lets review with our learning community and share some wisdom!

    Open space – ask us anything! An open forum for you to ask Andy or I, or any other participants anything that is relevant for you at this point in time. We won’t prepare a script or p...
  • Tuesday, May 5, 2020 · 12:30 PM BST
    Hear from Jose Berengueres about how story telling is vital in data visualisation.

    Also you have the chance to win a digital copy of Jose's book on Storytelling and Data Visualisation by being on the live webinar and getting the quiz questions r...
  • Tuesday, April 28, 2020 · 12:30 PM BST
    In ever changing times, understanding the psychological process of change helps us navigate it more effectively.

    Managing personal and professional change Individual change management is an understanding of how one person makes a change successfu...
  • Friday, April 24, 2020 · 12:30 PM BST
    Whether you are buying, selling or renting the lockdown has caused many property-related challenges. Can I complete? Can I move in? What happens to my deposit. Over the past few weeks we have talked to many people and a number of them were dealing...
  • Tuesday, April 21, 2020 · 12:30 PM BST
    Tips to keep in touch, be proactive and stay part of the team

    Following on from the successful Control Dartboard seminar it was apparent that attendees believed that currently there is a lack of communication throughout organisations due to the d...
  • Tuesday, April 14, 2020 · 12:30 PM BST
    We are in really challenging and unprecedented times for all of us. Having coping techniques is really important. I always lean heavily on training and coaching when times are toughest and NLP is another fantastic tool building on our original Con...
  • Blank-1
    Wednesday, September 30, 2020 · 12:30 PM BST
    As an advisor to some of the worlds most successful companies, Cris Beswick will share musings over what’s keeping him and the CEOs he works with up at night. Including whether Peter Drucker’s thoughts on ‘Culture Eating Strategy for Breakfast’ st...
  • Recurring Webinar
    Meet up for a coffee and a chat and to solve some problems with a lean coffee session
  • Evergreen Webinar
    A demonstration by Andrew Sandford of We are Lean and Agile as to how Engage Process can help with many organisational problems.

    You can significantly improve the way you deliver process/service improvement.

    Whether you are improving processes...
  • Summit
    A series of free webinars introducing a variety of topics that can help us deal with and manage change. Lenny Bedoyan of BW Training and Coaching will deliver multiple webinars on techniques that can help us handle the unprecedented change we are ...
Andy Sandford's webinars