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Social Media Ads Go Shopping: Measuring Ad Success by E-com Performance

About This Webinar

Nice ads are great, but successful ads are better. Traditional market research will produce ads that social media users will find just nice. But will they make a purchase? That is the fundamental question that marketers must answer.

Jeff Bander will present eye square's one-of-a-kind Ad-to-Cart (A2C) Test Suite, which can help transform your ads from nice to successful. The webinar will show you how A2C works and what you can learn from live In Context testing of your ad’s performance on social media.

A2C is the only market research tool that integrates authentic, personalized social media environments – such as Facebook, Instagram, YouTube or TikTok – with leading e-commerce platforms like Amazon or Walmart. Shoppers’ decisions are measured and evaluated throughout the entire marketing funnel – from search results to product detail pages all the way through shopping cart/checkout.

• Understand how different social media platforms increase attention, interest and purchase intent on e-commerce sites.
• Learn how ads can win the competition for attention and lead to actual transactions using actual behavioral data from online stores.
• Get a true understanding of the e-commerce POS funnel to improve each step to purchase

Who can view: Everyone
Webinar Price: Free
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter
Chief Revenue Officer at eye square
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Quirk's Media webinar platform hosts Social Media Ads Go Shopping: Measuring Ad Success by E-com Performance
Quirk's Media Virtual Sessions
Attended (46)