In the second episode of the PayIt Digital Government Excellence Symposium, we will focus on creating digital experiences that delight residents (because THAT’S how you retain users). Attendees will get practical tips to enhance resident engagement and repeat visits, and ultimately build trust in government services. You’ll also get insight into best practices around evaluating government technology partners to achieve long-term success.
  • Considerations for hybrid and multi-channel service delivery, including in-person, digital, and other channels
  • Extending digital services to the unbanked and underbanked community and addressing their unique needs
  • Emphasizing user experience and accessibility standards to ensure inclusion and equity
Cielo Medel
CIO and Director, IT, City of Mississauga
Cielo Medel, CIO and Director of IT at the City of Mississauga, is a pioneering leader in the digital transformation of municipal services. With a passion for innovation, Cielo is driving the City of Mississauga towards a more connected and efficient future. Join Cielo at the Digital Government Symposium for valuable insights into the future of digital government in Mississauga.
Jean Nobile
Senior Vice President, Operations, PayIt
Jean Nobile is a highly accomplished Operations leader known for implementing transformative processes that drive universal adoption and operational excellence. With a wealth of experience, Jean has a proven track record of success in enhancing performance and delivering exceptional customer experiences. As the Senior Vice President of Operations at PayIt, Jean leads the Operations and Customer Success teams, ensuring a strong focus on meeting client needs and driving high-level performance. Join Jean's session to gain valuable insights from her expertise in operational strategies and customer-centric approaches that foster success.
Jack Laskowitz
Vice President, Client Success, PayIt
As the Vice President of Client Success at PayIt, Jack Laskowitz is a driven leader who oversees Revenue Operations and is dedicated to delivering transformative implementations of resident engagement and digital payment processing platforms to state and local customers. With nearly a decade of experience in the telecom industry, Jack has led operations and strategy teams in bringing innovative products and concepts to market. At PayIt, his passion lies in bringing eGovernment transactional experiences to today's constituents who expect seamless, e-commerce-like interactions when engaging with government services. Join Jack as he shares his expertise and insights on delivering exceptional resident experiences in the government sector.
William D. Eggers
Executive Director, Deloitte’s Center for Government Insights
William D. Eggers is the Executive Director of Deloitte's Center for Government Insights, responsible for leading the firm's public sector thought leadership. A distinguished author, William has written influential books such as "Delivering on Digital: The Innovators and Technologies that Are Transforming Government" (Deloitte University Press, 2016) and "The Solution Revolution." Renowned for his expertise in government transformation and network governance, William coined the term Government 2.0. His insightful commentary has appeared in major media outlets, including the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, and the Washington Post. Join his session to gain invaluable insights from his extensive knowledge in driving government innovation.
Jon Telch
VP, Canada, PayIt
Jon Telch, VP of Canada at PayIt, is a visionary leader dedicated to shaping the future of digital government services in Canada. With a wealth of experience in the industry, Jon is driving PayIt's mission to revolutionize how citizens interact with government. Join Jon at the Digital Government Symposium for transformative insights into the future of government-citizen interactions in Canada.
Ron Boaz
Manager, Digital Channels, City of Vancouver
Ron Boaz, Manager of Digital Channels at the City of Vancouver, is a dynamic government professional committed to advancing digital innovation in municipal services. With a wealth of experience, Ron is driving the City's efforts to create seamless digital experiences for residents. Join Ron at the Digital Government Symposium for cutting-edge insights into the future of municipal digital excellence.
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