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The skin is an incredible organ that is vital for homeostasis. Its proper function is reliant upon all of its structures working in harmony. In dogs and cats this harmony can be disrupted by health related factors and structural changes associated with trauma.

While humans are well accustomed to treating ourselves to moisturisers and skin care products, it's still a fairly new concept in terms of Veterinary practice.
In this session we will cover the proper function of the skin of dogs and cats with a special focus on the changes to the microbiome associated with wound healing and scar tissue formation.
Sponsored by Protexin Veterinary we will discuss the benefit of moisturising and protecting vulnerable skin and the role of DermalEase® as part of the Veterinary care package.
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  • Structure and function of the skin
  • Layers of the skin
  • Key structures within the skin and their role in defence and repair
  • The role of lipids in skin protection
  • Management of peri wound skin and scar tissue

Hosted By MA Healthcare Virtual

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