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Ability To Manage Contacts and See Per Person Stats
Created by Polymer Clay Tutor on August 12, 2018
In Development
Polymer Clay Tutor
Sunday, August 12 at 12:43 PM
This request stems from a discussion that was started over at the LTDF FB Group... Zhu-Song Mei: Channel Subscribers are not counted as contacts. Contacts are emails one would like to send invites and followup emails on a webinar. Doug Lietz: This whole concept of how channel subscribers are different from individuals that I send webinar event emails to, is still feeling grey for me. Anyone who decides to become a channel subscriber, most likely would have been funneled into my channel through a webinar that they originally registered for... so their email address would in fact be in my "contacts" list. And if for some reason they were not already in my contacts list, I would definitely want them to be there, so that I can keep them in the loop with all of my future webinars. After all, they would be my warmest leads. Still looking for some clarity on this. Thanks. Tracey Lee Lorenson: I've asked for a more organized approach to contacts where I can see what webinars they've attended, if they're channel subscribers etc., and I know they're working on that.