Industry Tech Days 2023, with LeddarTech :

This presentation, led by Frantz Saintellemy, Chief Operating Officer and President at LeddarTech, delves into the realm of sensor fusion, exploring the techniques employed and their ramifications on perception performance and environmental modeling within the context of advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) and autonomous driving (AD). Frantz examines the diverse strategies adopted by providers of sensor fusion and perception solutions, conducting an in-depth analysis of the inherent merits and drawbacks associated with each approach. Concluding his presentation, Frantz offers valuable insights to ADAS developers, outlining measures to cultivate solutions that are high performing, cost-effective, scalable, and hardware-agnostic.
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    Frantz Saintellemy
    President and COO
    Engineer, innovator and internationally recognized expert in advanced technologies, Frantz has over 21 years of experience in the electronics and automotive sector, with specialized knowledge in automotive, autonomous driving, AI, IoT and automation applications, in addition to business and product development, applications engineering, global sales and marketing. A dedicated entrepreneur and philanthropist, he is also co-founder of Groupe 3737, an incubator and innovation center that houses more than 30 companies and start-ups, in addition to offering a framework for ideation to revenue generation. Frantz holds degrees in electrical engineering, business and marketing, and is also a graduate of the MIT Sloan Engineering Fellows Program on Innovations and Global Leadership.