• About
    In this webinar, we will demonstrate how the ECLIPSE Software Suite can help you manage your documentation. We will show how a Space project utilises the software and how your organisation can incorporate these principles.

    In the Space sector, documentation is created and exchanged throughout the supply chain participating in any given project or mission. The ability to manage and maintain this documentation can present security and costly challenges.

    What you will learn in this webinar:

    This webinar will explain the basics of our DCCM module while taking a deeper dive into the digitalisation of the Review and Approval functionality. We will discuss four main processes:

    1) Document uploading:
    Easily upload your documents into your unique secure web-based ECLIPSE environment.
    • Upload and securely access documentation
    • Spend less time filing, copy & pasting and reformatting documents

    2) Document collaboration:
    Collaboration is key in project management. With DCCM, collaboration can be done easier than ever with document sharing and workflows.
    • Streamline your process to reduce errors, save time, increase efficiencies
    • Improve efficiency in the office with streamlined document workflow

    3) Document review:
    You want to have a different workflow for document review? You can easily create your own review process with DCCM.
    • Stop long email chains by reviewing docs and requesting approvals digitally
    • Be more productive by creating a digital document approval process

    4) Document approval:
    With DCCM module you can easily ask for approval and give approval to document changes. You will also be able to track the history of your document approval.
    • Allow a key person to oversee all the documents that need approvals
    • Digital signatures will save time approving documents

    Join our webinar and learn how to stop the chaos:
    The DCCM module will help you pass stringent security regulations and give you accurate document management, which will contributed to a correct project execution.

    All documentation is safe from unauthorised access or mistakes that may occur at any stage during its lifecycle. You won't have to worry about your documents being obsolete, inconsistent, or missing updates anymore. Join our webinar and find out how.
  • Duration
    30 minutes
  • Price
  • Language
  • Dial-in available
    (listen only)
    Not available.