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Are you tired of overpaying for your seminar marketing? Are your current marketing efforts falling short of expectations? Are you getting in front of higher-net-worth prospects consistently? We know how critical seminar success is to your practice, and encourage you to RSVP for CreativeOne’s upcoming webinar, The Secret to Seminar Success: Proven Success Strategies for Higher ROI.

With more than 1,000 campaigns under our belt in 2023, we’ll take you through all the strategies, tactics and best practices you need to know to start maximizing your opportunities and minimizing your costs. We’ll show you what is working, and more importantly, what’s not.
  • Reveal proven seminar success strategies.
  • Share real-life success stories.
  • Reveal cost-cutting secrets.
  • Explore hybrid marketing strategies.
Vice President of Digital Strategy
Sr. Digital Marketing Strategist