Enneagram Personality Type Insights

Have you heard of Enneagram? It’s a personality typing system that describes nine different, yet integrated, personality types to help identify core motivations. Core motivations are the “why” behind our actions and help provide a path to personal growth and understanding. This knowledge can help financial advisors better understand themselves and their clients.

Join us for an informative seminar as Chelsea Laub, a financial advisor turned coach and Enneagram practitioner, shares how personality and finance intersect, giving you a new perspective. She believes the primary reason for success in a person’s financial journey has little to do with how much money they earn, and more to do with the behaviors and attitudes they have about money.
  • Your own pitfalls, tendencies and strengths regarding money.
  • Why other people are drawn to money and others are not.
  • The hidden “why” behind spending habits.
  • Why clients do what they do regarding money and finances.
  • 1632248377-680dd432f6e85aca
    Dennis Mattern
  • 1645563450-a2eb9b99645794fa
    Sarah Williams
    Vice President, Marketing Communications, CreativeOne
  • 1645563784-8f2020159bc23436
    Chelsea Laub
    Coach and Enneagram Practitioner