Hubilo testing

For the railways it is important to not just build resilient supply chain processes but to be able to predict risks, prepare well and mitigate disruption.

How can rail operators and infrastructure managers identify and acquire the most relevant information? How can they communicate it quickly to efficiently change course? The right data on pandemics, on extreme weather or on developing political, economic or security situations, can keep vital supply lines open for construction, manufacturing, and maintenance work.
  • 15:00 Introduction: Jules Omura
  • 15:04 Opening remarks: Mary Hewitt
  • 15:09 Building the foundations of supply risk management at Arriva: Anna Shraga
  • 15:19 Strategic and operational risk management: A holistic approach to generate competitive advantages: Sascha Kobes
  • 15:34 Panel discussion & Audience Q&As: All speakers
  • 16:25 Closing remarks: Mary Hewitt
  • Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes
  • Price: Free
  • Language: English
  • Who can attend? Everyone
  • Dial-in available? (listen only): Yes.
  • Dial-in Number: Registration is full. If you have already registered, please log in or use the link from your registration confirmation email.
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