Continuity of care: transition from child to adult health services.

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    Dr. AMW (Tonnie) Coppus
    Dr. AMW (Tonnie) Coppus (MD, PhD) is a medical doctor specialized in intellectual disability medicine and an epidemiologist.

    Down syndrome care in the Netherlands is preferably concentrated in multidisciplinary Down teams for children.

    Therefore Dr. Coppus initiated a specialized multi-disciplinary outpatient department for persons with Down syndrome, aged 18 years and older. People with Down syndrome from the whole country are visiting this clinic. Coppus is one of the members of the national guideline committee for health care in children with Down syndrome and head of the guideline committee for adults with Down syndrome.

    Her research at the Erasmus University Rotterdam and the Radboud University Nijmegen focuses on dementia and ageing in people with intellectual disabilities.