Podcast listening is exploding, attracting more die-hard fans every day. As these engaged audiences continue to grow, advertisers flock to the medium to get their message heard. While the power of podcasts is clear, measuring that power still may not be. We’re here to provide that crystal clarity.

Join SXM Media as we take you on a tour of the cutting edge of podcast ad effectiveness, with proven tactics for every stage of the funnel. Experts from some of the biggest names in the game—Claritas, Foursquare, and Nielsen—will gather to discuss podcast ad effectiveness, real life examples, and the actionable advice.

No matter your KPI, the answer is: yes, you can measure that.

  • Podcast advertising offers innovative solutions.
  • You can measure ad effectiveness at every stage of the funnel.
  • Advice and best practices for success.
  • 1660782451-1d9ae2ee841d1401
    Paul Riismandel
    [Moderator] Senior Director Podcast Ad Effectiveness
    SXM Media
  • 1660782453-9e3b6a9bd0b1b0aa
    Omer Jilani
    Vice President Sales
  • 1660782455-597e4dfaa12a9721
    Arianna Vogel
    Director of Product Marketing
  • 1660782456-81c47791b0dc3e21
    Arica McKinnon
    Vice President of Solutions Consulting