Create and Sign Documents Legally and Securely on Any Device.

Authentisign is available through TransactionDesk or directly from the SmartMLS Member Dashboard.

Authentisign is 100% e-sign compliant and FHA and Fannie Mae approved, with tamper proof security technology to prevent document modification. To make things even easier, the software integrates seamlessly with the popular cloud services Dropbox®, Google drive and OneDrive.

Authentisign includes:

Editable design templates make signature and initial placement quick and easy.

No app installation required — 100% browser based. A convenient App is available for mobile devices, but not required.

Simple signature wizard used for a streamlined signing process.
Wednesday, July 22, 2020 · 1:00 a.m. Eastern Time (US & Canada) (GMT -4:00)
Brian Backman
Trainer Extraordinaire
Jack Edwards