With a pedigree spanning 160 years, Northwestern Mutual has been a trusted brand through good times and bad. And to stay on top, it's always kept evolving what it does - whilst focusing on its customers rather than Wall Street.

But the last two years have been marked by sudden and significant changes - particularly in the talent acquisition space. And we now know that these unexpected swings are likely to become part of business as usual. But it's business critical that the company has maintained its commitment to its people. So, how can talent teams prepare to face unexpected in the future?

UNLEASH is delighted to bring Northwestern Mutual and our friends at Beamery together to tell you all about their transformation. They will share how they are framing their recruitment conversations around these market challenges. And how to bring the rest of your business along on the journey to becoming a more responsive and more agile talent organization that's ready for anything!

Key reasons to attend:

* Discover the impact of a new talent strategy on Northwestern Mutual's growing workforce of over 6,700 people
* Hear first-hand how to take a different approach to attracting, developing and retaining talent in a rapidly evolving environment
* Explore how to assess where your talent strategy is in terms of present market shifts and headwinds - and what you'll need to tackle next
* What you need to prioritize when it comes to the changing expectations of the employee-employer relationship - from improved user experience and technology shifts, to greater flexibility and new ways of working
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