Session 10: Defining the future: 2030 vision
11 November at 9am GMT - Duration 1 hour
It's 2030. Globally, we are en route to avoid the worst predicted scenarios for climate change. The world has steered towards a more responsible stewardship of Earth’s resources to address the climate crisis and biodiversity loss.
The global community mobilised in full force to ensure ‘business as usual’ made way for cleaner, greener economies and societies. Though some environmental conditions are permanently altered, continued bold action means we will be able to meet the vision of a climate neutral and regenerative world by mid century. Speaking from this new future in 2030, experts reflect on how their field of work played an integral part in paving a new way for humanity to ensure the best possible future for people and nature.
Speakers Danielle Walker Palmour, Founding Director, Friends Provident Foundation
Farhana Yamin, Lawyer, Author, Speaker, Activist, and Associate Fellow, Chatham House
Mark Campanale, Founder & Executive Chair, Carbon Tracker Initiative
Moderator Sarah Butler-Sloss, founder of the Ashden Awards for Sustainable Energy, and ClientEarth Trustee
View full summit programme:
Wednesday, November 11, 2020 · 9:10 a.m.
Duration: 1 hour
Who can attend?Anyone with the event link can attend
Mark is the Founder of the Carbon Tracker Initiative and conceived the ‘unburnable carbon’ capital markets thesis. More recently, Mark co-founded ‘Planet Tracker’ which focuses on agriculture, seafood, forestry, water and textiles, working to...
Lawyer, Author, Speaker, Activist, and Associate Fellow, Chatham House
An internationally recognised lawyer, author, speaker and social justice activist, Farhana has advised leaders and countries on climate negotiations for 30 years. In addition to founding Track 0 she is an FSRA, an associate fellow at Chatham...
Danielle is founding Director of Friends Provident Foundation, an independent charity that makes grants and uses its endowment towards a fair, resilient and sustainable economic system that serves society. Danielle has occupied senior policy and...
founder of the Ashden Awards for Sustainable Energy, and ClientEarth Trustee
Sarah Butler-Sloss is internationally recognised for her work in the field of green energy over the past 20 years, and is the founder of the Ashden Awards for Sustainable Energy. Ashden is a charity that focuses on sustainable energy and...