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On Demand Webinar
Using thinking styles to examine possible compliance viewpoints within RTO operations.

This webinar will discuss how various compliance aspects can benefit from a ‘black and white’ approach. We acknowledge that while many aspects of compliance are open to interpretation and various shades of grey, we aim to focus on how ‘coloured’ thinking can be used to your advantage. We will discuss the various thinking styles that may contribute to training and assessment and RTO operations, and how each may influence what must be done to deliver a quality student experience.

Particular emphasis will be given to assessment design and validation – areas in which, according to the National VET Regulator, RTOs most struggle to achieve compliance.

‘For Compliance’s Sake’ is a must for VET compliance staff, instructional designers, assessment specialists and anyone else looking to expand or hone their skills in this area. Content will apply to any public, private or school-based RTO.
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Hosted By VET PD Group

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