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In an industry, where it’s easy to focus on the drivers and their racing performance, we know as a tech publication, that race and engineering go hand in hand. Each performance in motorsports is often the result of a solid work and good communication with the engineering team.
From design to innovation, there is a big world filled with several technical capabilities that continuously need to be enhanced and challenged in order to help racing teams perform at their best. At the heart of these technical capabilities, there is obviously Additive Manufacturing.
Interestingly, the first applications that show the potential of AM for the sports industry in general popped up in 2010 and there were motor sports applications (2021 May/June Issue of 3D ADEPT Mag – pp 44-50).
Today, achieving top racing performance requires to take a number of considerations into account, that are vital to make racing cars faster, lighter and more reliable.
The next Additive Talks session ambitions to address these considerations. Set to take place on Wednesday 09thMarch, 2022 from 09.30 am to 10.30 am Cambridge, Massachusetts Time (03.30 pm to 04.30 pm CET), the panel will discuss the use of AM at the intersection of Motorsports and Automotive production components. It will explore the various paths in additive manufacturing car manufacturers take to improve car production/performance.
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