Global Innovation in Wound Care Summit: Burns

Global Innovation in Wound Care Summit: How to Improve Patient Outcomes: Evidence-Based Technology

Wound Masterclass welcomes you to our Global Innovation in Wound Care Summit Series!

This episode is on Mastering Burns Management: A Paradigm Shift in Treatment Strategies

We are thrilled to invite you to a free immersive and interactive global event on Burns Injury, designed exclusively for healthcare professionals seeking to expand their knowledge and enhance their clinical skills in burn management. This webinar will delve into the fundamental principles and cutting-edge strategies for assessing and managing burns wounds, with a focus on optimizing outcomes for your patients.

Come and join us to find out about:

Fundamentals of Burns: exploring the anatomy and physiology of burns, their classification, and the pathophysiological processes involved. Gain a comprehensive understanding of the factors influencing burn severity and patient prognosis.

Principles of Burns Management: Discover the core principles guiding effective burns management, encompassing initial assessment, resuscitation techniques, and stabilization strategies. Learn how to provide optimal care at every stage, from the emergency department to long-term rehabilitation.

Assessment of the Burns Wound: Master the art of assessing burns wounds accurately, including burn depth determination, estimating total body surface area (TBSA) affected, and identifying associated injuries. Acquire the necessary skills to develop a comprehensive treatment plan tailored to individual patient needs.

Burns Algorithms for Treatment: Gain insight into evidence-based algorithms for burns treatment, addressing different burn types, TBSA calculations, and associated complications. Learn how to apply these algorithms effectively to ensure streamlined and efficient patient care.

Management of the Burns Wound: Explore the latest advancements in wound management techniques, including debridement, wound dressings, grafting options, and the use of innovative therapies. Acquire practical knowledge to optimize wound healing, minimize scarring, and promote functional recovery.

Optimization of Outcomes: Discover strategies for optimizing outcomes in burns care through multidisciplinary collaboration, patient-centered approaches, and comprehensive rehabilitation.

Join us for this engaging event and connect with leading experts in the field of burns care. Through interactive presentations, case discussions, and Q&A sessions, you will gain valuable insights, practical skills, and evidence-based knowledge to elevate your burns care practice.

Don't miss this opportunity to be part of a dynamic learning experience.

Register now to secure your spot and embark on a journey towards becoming a more proficient burns care clinician!

We look forward to welcoming you to this event.

In partnership with Mölnlycke
  • Burns Wounds
  • Skin Substitutes
  • Advanced Modalities
  • How to Assess a Burn
  • How to Document and Monitor a Burn
  • Fundamentals of Burns
  • Principles of Burns Management
  • Burns Algorithms
  • Optimisation of Outcomes
  • Duration: 2 hours
  • Price: Free
  • Language: English
  • Who can attend? Everyone
  • Dial-in available? (listen only): Not available.
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