Wabel, www.wabel.com the european leading B2B matchmaking company invites you to a live presentation (free #webinar) with Comperio, a Czech importer selling high quality products imported from many European Union countries such as Germany, Austria, Spain, Italy.

Comperio in short:

- $12 million revenue (2019)
- They supply 5000+ stores in Czech Republic and Slovakia.
- They import from 20+ countries.

During this upcoming live presentation, Comperio will present their sourcing needs for the year. They are looking for suppliers providing branded products as well as those who supply products for private labels.
❗Spots are limited!

Interested in meeting them and expand your business ? Cannot attend the webinar? The Czech importer will then attend the Online Wabel Chilled & Dairy Summit in September to meet innovative suppliers and companies.

More info about the Wabel Summit:
  • Introduction of Wabel
  • Who is Comperio and what is their product range?
  • What are they looking for - Their requirements
Aurelien van Berten
Co-founder & Operations Director at Wabel
Radek Hovorka
Business Development Manager at Comperio
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