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Join us for our last event of 2023 embarking on the journey through the dynamic realm of international finance, where we unravel the intricacies of global payment strategies essential for triumph in the finance sector. Geared specifically towards CFOs, this webinar promises a deep dive into strategies crafted to fortify financial operations, streamline processes, and encourage collaboration. Join us to gain insights to meet the unique needs of CFOs, ensuring they gain actionable insights to navigate the evolving landscape of international finance successfully. Including the opportunity to take part in a live Q&A.


Optimising global payments - Explore the impact of exchange rate fluctuations on the South African Rand.

Mastering collection accounts for market penetration - Gain strategies for establishing effective local and international collection accounts.

Navigating currency conversions and FX challenges - Master creative ways to ride currency fluctuations.

Enhancing treasury management with automation and APIs - Explore how automation streamlines forecasting for accurate cash flow predictions.

Streamlining revenue repatriation: Learn compliance and regulatory considerations for repatriating funds in South African businesses.
Chief Operating Officer
VP Enterprise and Partnerships
Group CFO
Frey's Food Brands
Events Analyst