Fear and indecision are keeping you from living a life that embodies who you are at your core.

I know this because for years I pursued a version of my life that did not belong to me. Once I became honest with myself about what I wanted out of life and took action, everything began to change.

It’s not that you’re incapable—it’s just that you might be using the wrong ingredients.

*This is not a financial education workshop*

  • During this webinar, I will share with you 3 things that helped me go from an underemployed domestic violence survivor to a successful million-dollar generating mompreneur who unapologetically owns her time and power
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    Chief Change Agent
    I’m an award-winning financial educator who has helped thousands shift their money story and make financial decisions they’re proud of.

    I’ve been helping people get free financially since 2013 and one thing I’ve learned is money only equals freedom if you know what freedom means for you and are willing to take action.

    My goal is to help you stop wishing and start being the woman you always wanted to be.