• About
    With climate change assuming a more prominent role on the world stage and consumers increasingly aware of the food industry’s carbon footprint, companies are taking note. In fact, businesses that address climate concerns by providing carbon ratings on processed foods and menu items can gain a distinct advantage in the marketplace.

    Sponsored by the Food Institute and OFW Law, the webinar will take a closer look at some of the food producers and service providers that are already implementing these programs, as well as provide a step-by-step guide on how to plan for, and responsibly implement, a carbon footprint rating system including:

    •Parameters of a carbon labeling program
    •The origins of carbon footprint labeling for foods
    •What companies are doing now to provide carbon labeling for processed foods and menu items
    •Factors to consider when providing carbon footprint rankings
    •How to choose a third-party accreditation and certification program
    •A review of the legal framework for carbon rating disclosures
    •The role of the US Department of Agriculture, Federal Trade Commission and Food and Drug Administration
    •Best practices and safe harbors for providing carbon footprint ratings

    Who Should Attend:
    •Food and Beverage Industry Professionals – Develop a carbon labeling program for key product lines
    •Food Manufacturers – learn about specific examples of how companies provide carbon ratings
    •Retail Executives – Examine marketing strategies for implementing carbon rating programs
    •Regulatory Affairs Professionals – Learn the legal boundaries of carbon labeling programs
    •Chief Sustainability Officers – Develop best practices for a carbon labeling program
    •Quality Assurance VPs – Learn how to choose a dependable certification program
    •Foodservice Operators – gain insight into how certain restaurants operators have started to leverage carbon ratings
    •Eco Business Consultants – Get ahead on the latest marketing strategies

    Group discounts available! Please email chris.campbell@foodinstitute.com for more information.
  • Duration
    3 hours 30 minutes
  • Price
  • Language
    Anyone with the event link can attend
  • Dial-in Number
    This is a premium Webinar. Please log in or register for this Webinar to view the dial-in info.