Monday 19th October | 15:30 – 16:30
Mental Health and Wellbeing – It’s Everyone’s Business!

Sion Williams | Deputy Head at Wadebridge College

Hear how Wadebridge School set about making Mental Health and Wellbeing everyone’s business! Mental Health and Wellbeing is now embedded in the school’s improvement plans and performance management process. Deputy Head, Sion Williams shares his experiences of the school’s journey to make this happen. Sion started teaching in 1989 in the ex-mining communities of South Wales and in 2002 became Deputy Headship at Wadebridge School in Cornwall, where many of the difficulties and disadvantages faced by other rural and seaside communities are all too common. Employment opportunities are limited; many jobs are seasonal in nature resulting in a low wage economy that leads to low levels of aspiration.

Much of his work has subsequently focussed on raising student aspiration and building resilience. Over recent years, poor mental health has become a significant barrier for a growing number of young people fulfilling their potential. A good deal of current work focusses on delivering sessions on mental health; training as a MHFA England instructor and training students, teachers and other colleagues to be mental health first aiders.


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Teaching Schools South West has the right to amend or cancel any courses as a result of unforeseen circumstances.

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Monday, October 19, 2020 · 3:30 p.m. London (GMT +1:00)