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You've decided you're not ending the year broke again, even though you made LOTS of money. You know that you have big plans to slay the 4th quarter. But you're a little worried that you'll make the mistake of spending it all just as fast as you made it. You need a real strategy so that doesn't happen this time.

Well, this masterclass is for you, I'm going to help you create a spending plan so that you'll know what it takes to make the money, keep the money, and forecast for the quarter.
  • What a Spending Plan is
  • Why a Spending Plan is important
  • How to create a Spending Plan
  • How to hold yourself accountable to your Spending Plan
  • How to change your money mindset
Takisha Artis, CPA
Financial Influencer
I teach coaches & consultants to position themselves to achieve their lifestyle goals by creating money management plans, systems & strategies.