Ready to connect the UAC to more third-party applications? Want to extend and centralize your control of automated processes into cloud, data, developer, and business tools?

The Universal Extensions and templates in the Stonebranch Integration Hub help you easily integrate with third-party applications or platforms. Join James Burke, Stonebranch, as he walks you through:

* How Universal Extensions work, and where they help.
* The different types of integration with the UAC.
* The three steps — download, import, configure — to activate integrations and extensions in the Universal Controller.

This training demonstration is ideal for all business and technical users of UAC, especially those connected to IT Ops and Development.
James Burke
Principal Solution Engineer, Stonebranch
James Burke is a Principal Solution Engineer at Stonebranch. In this role, he works closely with current and prospective customers to develop proofs of concept that help achieve their IT automation goals. He has more than 30 years of automation and leadership experience, previously working in the finance and hospitality industries. In fact, before Mr. Burke became a Stonebranch employee, he was a Stonebranch customer.
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