Feeling a little Quaranscreened? This 60-minute virtual session offers our most impactful, expert-informed material, and time for parents to interact about challenges they are facing. The content is designed for adults only, but will give you practical ways you can talk to your kids about this topic.
  • Discover the side-effects of unhealthy screen use
  • Cast a vision for your family’s screen use
  • Create a family screen plan that supports your family’s core values
  • Gather confidence to be a mentor/guide for your children in a digital world
  • Gain a supportive community to cheer your family on
  • 1591711537-22f3a8063bc0c3ba
    Krista Boan
    Co-Founder, START
  • 1591711602-0ced06a5f9add58c
    Tracy Foster
    Co-Founder, START