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    Quality Assurance Coordinator
    With over 15 years of experience working with youth and young adults, Jessica Calvert currently serves as the South Central Workforce Development Board's Quality Assurance Coordinator. In that role, she coordinates and performs onsite compliance audits and quality assurance reviews, informal reviews, desk reviews, data analysis and report creation for the Workforce Innovation Opportunity Act (WIOA) provider agency. Jessica has previous experience working as the Career advisor/counselor lead supervisor working with adult, dislocated workers and youth with basic and individualized career services at the Kentucky Career Center.

    Jessica Calvert has been a counselor with the Barren County School District Alternative Programs contracted through the Department of Juvenile Justice, where she promoted the development of mental health skills and strategies to empower students to increase their opportunities for overall success while in school and as they transition into adulthood after graduation.

    When not on the job, she loves gardening, cooking, and being at the ball field with her son Spencer.