Join Stephanie and Judy as they kick off this day of encouragement and celebration with the end of the school year in sight! You’ll want to chime in with your questions as this LIVE session will address the very real struggles of wrapping up the year with students whose motivation for learning is waning and parent/teachers who are ready to be DONE! This brief opening session will lay the foundation for a day of practical tips on how to wrap up this year, suggestions for making the most of the coming summer, and how to plan for next year.
Community Manager
Stephanie wears many hats but her favorites are being a mom to two amazing kids and wife to her college sweetheart. She loves to adventure with her family, traveling all over Colorado and beyond. She is an avid afterschooler and volunteers much of her time in her local community. As Sonlight's community manager, she enjoys encouraging and enriching homeschools through conversations, content, and community.
Marketing Sales Manager
Judy Wnuk is a retired homeschool teacher of three amazing students. She has spent 20+ years using literature-based learning with her own children and sharing it with families across the US and Canada through her work with Sonlight. She has a passion for encouraging parents, young and old, as they navigate the journey of raising their children. She and her husband of 36 years have enjoyed the privilege of facilitating marriage and parenting classes, and she likes nothing better than to mentor moms that God brings across her path.
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