The Retirement Taxation Masterclass™

For many people, taxes will be their biggest expense in retirement.

Many are predicting that taxes will go up significantly in the coming years.
Proactive tax planning is a relatively new technique that involves projecting what your taxes are likely to be in both current and future years...and then using that information to make smarter financial decisions.
This course is designed to educate you on some of the more common techniques, such as Roth IRA conversions, RMD Planning, proactive tax-bracket management, and the order of withdrawals taken from retirement accounts, among others.
You will learn how to use these techniques to properly organize your retirement savings into different Buckets based on the time horizon in which they'll be used.
Here are just a few of the topics we'll cover:
  • How to use the order of your withdrawals:  Which accounts you draw from first, and which ones later often has a profound affect on taxes. We'll cover exactly how this works, and how to start planning for it.
  • How to efficiently manage your tax brackets using the 3 types of money: Pre-Tax, Post-Tax and Tax-Advantaged.
  • RMD Planning:  Anyone with a retirement account will be required by the IRS to take annual withdrawals starting at age 72.  Learn how to avoid the 50% tax penalty on this.
  • Does A Roth IRA Conversion make sense?  We'll cover in-detail what a Roth Conversion is, why they've become so popular, when it makes sense to do one, and the logistics of how to go about it.
  • This is one of 3 classes offered in The Visual Retirement Masterclass Series™: Upon enrollment, you will be given access to the other 2 courses in the series.
  • When: Eastern Time (US & Canada)
  • Duration: 1 hour
  • Price: Free
  • Language: English
  • Who can attend? Everyone
  • Dial-in available? (listen only): Not available.
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