Does web scraping take too much of your and your team's time? Are you worried about the project's costs and how to minimize them? Dive into the common pitfalls holding back team efficiency and discover powerful tools to overcome web scraping challenges.

In this discussion led by Martin Ganchev, you'll hear from two seasoned web scraping experts and tech entrepreneurs, Pierluigi Vinciguerra and Fabien Vauchelles, alongside our in-house scraping specialist, Ivan Ševčenko.

From seamless tool integration to savvy scraping practices, join us on this webinar and boost productivity, cut costs, and revolutionize your team's approach.

Not sure how this applies to your team? Bring your questions to the session, and we'll cover them with in-depth insights.
  • What makes web scraping processes inefficient: common mistakes & challenges
  • How to deal with anti-botting efficiently?
  • How to choose the right web scraping tools and integrate them for a seamless workflow?
  • How to successfully scale your web scraping operations?
  • 1699880201-5656e57c65e1e2d5
    Pierluigi Vinciguerra
    Founder of The Web Scraping Club and CTO at Re Analytics
    Pierluigi spent the past ten years creating web scrapers and applied his knowledge by co-founding businesses that employ the power of scraping. In 2022, he started The Web Scraping Club, a knowledge hub about web scraping.
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    Fabien Vauchelles
    Web Scraping Anti-Ban Expert at Wiremind and Developer of Scrapoxy
    Fabien Vauchelles is the Anti-Ban Expert at Wiremind. With over a decade of experience in web scraping, Fabien's passion for code and technology helps him to bypass bans. He is the creator of Scrapoxy, an opensource proxy aggregator for webscraping.
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    Martin Ganchev
    VP of Partnerships at Smartproxy
    Martin's extensive scraping knowledge stems from consulting clients to find the best solution for their use cases. He knows the best data gathering tools 'n' practices, and is always ready to help you with all things scraping.
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    Ivan Ševčenko
    Full-Stack Engineer at Smartproxy
    At Smartproxy, Ivan works on developing our scraping tools. He will share his first-hand insights into our web-scraping solutions and technical lessons learned from building the scrapers.