A riguardo
Analysing According to the IEC 61511 standard, a Safety Instrumented Function (SIF) description should contain some of the following key elements:
1. Identification of the hazardous event: This element should identify the potential hazardous event that the SIF is designed to prevent or mitigate. This could include events such as fires, explosions, or toxic releases.
2. Description of the intended SIF operation: This element should describe how the SIF is intended to operate to prevent or mitigate the hazardous event. This could include actions such as closing valves, sounding alarms, or initiating emergency shutdowns.
3. Performance requirements: This element should define the required safety integrity level (SIL) for the SIF, as well as any reliability and availability requirements.
4. Safety requirements: This element should specify the safety measures and devices that will be used to achieve the required SIL, as well as any testing and maintenance requirements.
5. Design and implementation requirements: This element should describe the design and implementation requirements for the SIF, including the specific sensors, logic solver, and final elements that will be used, as well as any software or hardware requirements.
6. Specify the verification and validation requirements for the safety loop, such as testing procedures and documentation requirements.
By including these elements in the SIF description, organizations can ensure that the SIF is designed, implemented, and tested in accordance with the requirements of the IEC 61511 standard. This approach helps to ensure the safety of the process and personnel, and can also help to minimize the risk of equipment damage and downtime.

The webinar will be given in English.

A cura di:
Tino Vande Capelle - Director of Functional Safety Services at G.M. International s.r.l.

Hai bisogno di ulteriori informazioni? Scrivici a anipla@anipla.it
Segreteria Formazione
Tino Vande Capelle
Senior Functional Safety Expert & Trainer, Safety & Security for Industrial Automation and Control Systems SIS & IACS
Tino was educated in Belgium where he gained qualification in Automation & Critical Control Systems. During his 30+ years career in the process industry performing technical HW & SW engineering, process control engineering, troubleshooting and field instrumentation.

He is senior Functional Safety Expert (#109/05) & accredit Trainer for the SIS program of TÜV Rheinland and is a senior member of ISA. He finds purpose in sharing his knowledge and learning from others while providing Functional Safety training in IEC61508 & IEC61511. He has published many papers and magazine articles and is frequently sought after for seminars and presentations based on his international recognized passion and mastery of the subject matter
Alberto Servida
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