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We are increasingly seeing small business owners impacted by events that put a stress on cash flow and cause serious problems with the ability to survive an unexpected event. QOMPLX:UNDERWRITING, through Brokers such as Pulse and Protect Commercial, is offering a new parametric solution for SMEs, WonderCover™. It is the protection that can be the difference between survival and failure.

There are three simple benefits with WonderCover™: Immediate payouts, affordable prices and flexible limits suited to individual businesses. With WonderCover™, the pressure to prove loss is eliminated because payment is made if simple triggers are met.

Learn more about an affordable solution to cyber and terror risk, and how it can meet your needs and ensure your protection. Register NOW.
Max Beddall
QOMPLX - Underwriter
Dr Raveem Ismail
Chief Underwriting Officer & General Manager, QOMPLX:UNDERWRITING
Ploy Senawog
Insurance Broker at Protect Commercial
Ben Palithorpe
Underwriter at Pulse