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NOTE: This free webinar is exclusively for Personal and Executive Assistants. If you have the privilege of enjoying the services of a PA or EA, please forward them the invitation to join. You are also welcome to join.

Imagine it's the end of your workday. Just before you shut down your computer, you have the luxury of taking 15 or 20 minutes to sit back, stretch out, relax, and reflect on the day.

You feel a smile spread across your face as you look at your streamlined Inbox and To-Do list. You scan your calendar and see that everything for the next day is well-organized and in control.

Life is good.

If that's not you, it could be and should be.

You also deserve to be more in control of your workload and Inbox, reducing your stress and increasing job satisfaction.

What will it be like if you can enjoy improved communication and collaboration with your manager, resulting in better overall performance?

In this webinar, we will share time-proven productivity principles with you that you can implement in any appropriate technology. Yes, also paper-based. We will use Microsoft Outlook to illustrate how easy it is to get your work done easier, faster, and better.

You can develop new skills and strategies for managing your own workload and Inbox, which can lead to career growth and advancement opportunities.

Managers and executives can benefit from having a more organized and productive team, resulting in better outcomes for the business as a whole.

As PA or EA, you have a crucial part to play in the success of your team and your business.

Register for this webinar and hear from people who are already using the tips, tricks, and techniques you will learn.

This could be the first small step to bring about big results for you in your career.

See you there!
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Hosted By Productivity Pit Stop

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