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Every time you do something that someone else could have done you are a two-time thief.

You are stealing your own time. You are also stealing a growth opportunity from someone else.

Here’s the golden rule of delegation: You should only do what only you can do – delegate or outsource the rest.

The magic about delegation is that it frees up your time to do more of the things that only you can do.

In this webinar we will focus on how you can use the format of a Win-Win Agreement (as per Habit 4 in "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People") to relieve you from doing work that someone else should be doing:

• Desired results
• Guidelines for success
• Resources
• Accountability
• Consequences.

This does not replace any of your current KPA/KPI agreements. It can enhance it.

With a win-win agreement in place you are freed from micro-managing - the agreement is signed by both parties and governs the relationship.

You will receive an example Win-Win Agreement as a handout at the end of the webinar.

See you on Tuesday!
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Hosted By Productivity Pit Stop

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