Achieving extraordinary results does not depend on your circumstances, it depends on how you respond to them, how you react differently, and how you reclaim the control of your self-development. With 47 New York Times bestsellers and +500M worldwide copies sold, Jack Canfield has become globally known as the leading coach in the field of personal transformation and peak performance. Furthermore, Jack Canfield holds the Guinness World Record of having seven books on the New York Times bestseller list simultaneously.

Reserve your seat for this FREE Masterclass with Jack Canfield on the 12th of August, where you, among many other things, will learn…

• How to gain and keep the right habits and attitudes of success

The FREE masterclass is hosted by Presidents Summit - Northern Europe's leading business conference. Our annual conference attracts 3,000+ executives, entrepreneurs, investors, and policymakers that benefit from lectures by some of the world’s foremost business experts and have the opportunity to network with a diverse, high-level international audience.
Jack Canfield
Founder of Chicken Soup For The Soul Publishing Company
Jack Canfield is an American author, motivational speaker, corporate trainer, and entrepreneur.
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