Many enterprises face a conundrum when it comes to the mainframe. There's pressure to innovate and build new applications while feeling constrained by capacity, performance, and operating budgets. Let's explore how high-performance in-memory processing works with IBM's Tailored Fit Pricing (TFP) model to maximize your Z investment and drive capacity for new workloads. We'll discuss how you can drastically improve the performance of vital mainframe applications while lowering the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) associated with your infrastructure. If Db2 and/or VSAM tables represent significant sources of data within your environment, we will share some tactics you can implement to quickly free up CPU. 
  • Informational Interview ( 30 minutes )
  • Q & A ( 15 minutes )
  • 1619010297-3a4e101998b6c740
    Andrew Bowker
    Offering Manager for IBM Z Table Accelerator
    Andrew Bowker, is the offering manager for IBM Z Table Accelerator, a high performance in memory table accelerator that boosts mainframe application performance. Andrew earned engineering and business degrees from NC State University. He is passionate about product innovation and helping customers optimize their operations budgets. Outside of work, you'll find Andrew chasing his 2-year-old daughter around a playground.
  • 1619010303-0024f908883ab6f6
    Larry Strickland
    Chief Product Officer for DataKinetics
    For more than 20 years, Larry Strickland has built his professional career as a C-level executive focusing on product management, making technology simple for the end user, and understanding the impact of technology on the user. He is passionate about product innovation that helps clients solve their most challenging issues while delivering solutions that transform their business. Larry has held leadership roles with world-class organizations ranging from startups to the Fortune 500. As CTO and VP of Product Management for a prominent Canadian company, his technical background and knowledge of the marketplace was instrumental in developing key product differentiators, and forging important business partnerships for the company.