Scientist Marie Skłodowska Curie (1867 - 1934)

Marie Curie was the first woman to win a Nobel Prize in Physics, and and the first person to win a second Nobel Prize in Chemistry. Her pioneering scientific efforts with her husband Pierre Curie led to the discovery of two new elements, polonium and radium. She coined the phrase radioactivity and experimented with early treatments for radiation therapy for cancer. Even with these remarkable achievements, Curie faced many obstacles on her path to becoming one of the world's most regarded scientists.

Presented by Susan Marie Frontczak

Susan Marie Frontczak has developed six historical figures for Chautauqua. Marie Curie is the most widely traveled, with audiences to date in 34 of the United States and nine countries abroad to over 60,000 people. In dramatizing the life of Marie Skłodowska-Curie, Susan pays homage to their shared Polish heritage.

Susan Marie also authored the Young Chautauqua handbooks for Colorado Humanities and coaches Young Chautauquans throughout her home state of Colorado.

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