Welcome to the 6th session of the NHS APA Virtual Conference 2023. In this session, Jo Huey will speak about stigma from a family member's perspective. The session will include a pre-recorded Q&A at the end of the talk.

The session will conclude at approximately 1.55 pm.

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    Jo Huey
    Jo is the daughter of an alcoholic father who passed away just before her 21st birthday. She subsequently had an older sister who became addicted to alcohol and a younger sister to drug addiction, both now in recovery. Jo has spent the past 26 years improving and recovering from her childhood, starting up a business supporting daughters of alcoholics and supporting charities such as Adfam to help family members of addiction. Jo now works full time for the police and runs her own crystal business and has learnt that spiritualism has a huge place in her heart and life. There is hope and Jo shares her story to inspire and open the hearts and minds of her audience.
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    Viv Evans
    Vivienne Evans OBE is the Chief Executive of Adfam, the national organisation for children, friends and families affected by someone else’s substance misuse and gambling. She has a long history of senior positions in the public and charity sectors with a background in drug and alcohol education, prevention and young people, and families and substance misuse policy and practice.

    She is a former member of the Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs (ACMD) and chaired its working group on the implementation of the report of the inquiry into the children of problem drug users - Hidden Harm.

    She has also chaired the Drug Sector Skills Consortium, funded by the Department of Health, and the Family Drug and Alcohol Court Advisory Group.

    She is a board member of the International Society of Substance Use Professionals, Children England, Alcohol Change UK and The Halley Stewart Trust.