Welcome to the 5th session of the NHS APA Virtual Conference 2023. In this session, Stuart Green, Service Manager at Aspire, will present on the power of visible recovery and partnership working in Aspire.

The session will conclude at approximately 1.25 pm.

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    Stuart Green
    Service Manger Aspire – Doncaster
    Stuart is 23 years into recovery and an NHS Service Manager for Aspire a partnership between the NHS ( RDaSH) and ADS ( Alcohol & Drug Service) and has dedicated the past two decades in delivering essential services to individuals dealing with addiction issues, encompassing harm reduction, treatment, and recovery support.

    Stuart’s unwavering commitment lies in the realm of recovery and fostering healthy communities. Stuart actively champions the dismantling of obstacles contributing to health inequalities and advocating against the perpetuation of stigma referred to as “negative recovery capital”.

    Currently, Stuart is actively engaged in delivering critical services for the NHS in the northern regions of England. He played a pivotal role as one of the founding members of the LERO network and has gained recognition for his national and international engagements, where he shares insights on recovery and overall well-being. Aspire is the founder and organiser of the Recovery Games an annual event to celebrate living and lived experience of addiction issues through visible recovery and wellbeing.