Welcome to the 4th session of the NHS APA Virtual Conference 2023. In this session, Lucy Rocca, founder of Soberistas.com, will present on how Soberistas helps to conquer stigma in addiction

The session will conclude at approximately 12.25pm.

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    Lucy Rocca
    Lucy Rocca is the founder of the social network website Soberistas.com . After quitting drinking alcohol in 2011, she realised there was little in the way of help and support for people who are perhaps best described as “grey area drinkers” - alcohol dependent on a psychological and emotional level but not physically addicted. After launching Soberistas, Lucy went on to write 5 books on the subject of women and alcohol use disorder, all published by Hachette.

    She now also works as a life coach and sober coach, and has helped hundreds of clients over the last five years to better understand their relationship with alcohol in order to adopt a sober lifestyle.

    Lucy is committed to breaking down the stigma associated with problematic drinking patterns and is passionate about sharing her story to help others.