Welcome to the 3rd session of the NHS APA Virtual Conference 2023. In this session, Adam Holland will share findings from his research on how to effectively use mass media campaigns to reduce stigma towards people who use drugs. This is the subject of his PhD at the University of Bristol which is also funded by the Medical Research Council.

The session will conclude at approximately 11.40am.

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    Adam Holland
    Public Health Consultant
    Adam Holland is a Public Health Consultant and Clinical Academic. He is undertaking a Medical Research Council funded PhD based in the University of Bristol investigating how to effectively use mass media campaigns to reduce stigma towards people who use drugs. He also contributes to research projects led by the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and the University of New South Wales exploring how to improve hospital care for people who use opioids, how to minimise structural stigma in healthcare settings, and the impacts of drug policy on Colombian coca farmers. Additionally, Adam is Co-Chair of the Faculty of Public Health Drugs Special Interest Group, and he volunteers with the Loop providing harm reduction advice to music festival attendees. Before specialising in public health, he worked as a clinician in the NHS, and has degrees in medicine, philosophy, science and technology studies, and public health. Interests aside from drugs policy include walking up hills, making friends with dogs, and playing mediocre guitar.