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Putting the NAPC Messaging Guide to Work

About This Webinar

All of the topics in the Virtual Summer Short Course relate in some way to the need for effective communications. Hot off the presses, the NAPC Messaging Guide for Local Preservation Programs offers tips and ready-to-use content you can apply right now to virtually any aspect of your work. The guide’s author, Cindy Olnick, will show you how. She’ll give a quick tour of the guide, then put it to work in a real-time case study with a course participant. You’ll leave the session—and the course—ready to make the guide work for you.

CE Credits: 1.5 AIA/AICP

Who can view: People who registered for the webinar only
Webinar Price: Free
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter
Communications Consultant
Cindy Olnick is a communications consultant for historic preservation and heritage conservation. She has developed messaging, content, and strategy for preservationists nationwide, including NAPC’s new Messaging Guide for Local Preservation Programs. Cindy also works for the University of Southern California’s heritage conservation program, helping master’s students with their theses and recruiting new applicants. She co-hosts the program’s award-winning podcast, Save As: NextGen Heritage Conservation. Cindy led communications for the Los Angeles Conservancy from 2004 to 2018. She serves on the board of the National Preservation Partners Network and the steering committee of the Preservation Priorities Task Force. She also serves on the board of Photo Friends of the Los Angeles Library, for whom she wrote the 2017 book L.A. Landmarks: Lost and Almost Lost.
Email: cindy@cindyolnick.com
Webinar hosting presenter
Senior City Planner, Landmark Preservation, City and County of Denver
Abigail Christman is a Senior City Planner in Landmark Preservation at the City and County of Denver. Abigail has a varied background having previously worked for consulting firms, Colorado Preservation, Inc., and the University of Colorado Denver. Her experience includes Section 106n consultation, reconnaissance and intensive-level surveys, National Register nominations, HABS/HAER/HALS documentation, neighborhood pattern books, preservation tax credit certification, interpretation, public outreach, and serving on the Denver Landmark Commission. Abigail also teaches a graduate course for CU Denver titled Historic Buildings in Context. Abigail holds a B.A. in History from the University of South, a M.A. in Public History/Historic Preservation from Middle Tennessee State University, and a M.A. in Histories and Theories of Architecture from the Architectural Association School of Architecture in London, England.
Email: Abigail.Christman@denvergov.org
Webinar hosting presenter
Historic Preservation Officer, City of San Marcos, TX
Cindy_Olnick Presentation Slides_Putting the NAPC Messaging Guide to Work.pdf
Messaging Guide for Local Preservation Programs
The Alliance Review_2022_Issue No. 4_ We Need to Talk.pdf
NAPC Membership, Programs and Resources.pdf
Attended (128)