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Running a soap biz but feeling overwhelmed, lost, or like you are losing your mind? Hey, now, we've been there, done that, snagged the t-shirt, and then burned it all down to the ground. If anyone knows a thing about getting your badass biz owner hat on, it's us. And we're going to teach you how.
Over the last decade, Kenna has gone from being a soapmaker and skincare formulator who made products in her own kitchen, to the owner of two successful soap and skincare companies. Today, she can be found teaching and consulting in the handmade soap and skincare industry. She is the founder of Modern Soapmaking, a virtual soapmakers playground, that can be found at
Stephanie Hamling
Stephanie is a passionate soapmaker, micro-business owner, and dedicated member of the Modern Soapmaking tribe. She assists in managing and building the community around Modern Soapmaking by responding to questions on social media and in email, as well as helping facilitate community programs and events (and so much more!)