In this session, Dr Ben Underwood will:

- Re-iterate that non-drug treatment is the mainstay of care for neuropsychiatric complications of dementia

- Provide a review of drug trials in this area

- Discuss how the evidence base might inform clinical practice
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    Dr Ben Underwood
    Ben studied natural science at Oxford University and medicine in London. He completed his psychiatric training in Cambridge, including a PhD with Professor David Rubinsztein looking at autophagy up-regulating drugs as potential disease modifying agents in dementia.

    He is currently a lecturer in older people’s health at the University of Cambridge and honorary consultant psychiatrist. He is clinical lead for dementia in the East of England for the CRN, national lead for stratified medicine in dementia and co-organises the University MPhil in translational medicine. He is clinical director of the Gnodde Goldman Sachs unit for translational neuroscience and the Windsor Unit at Fulbourn Hospital which seek to connect patients with dementia to the latest research and clinical trials.