The Blunt Truth is a collaboration between Avon and Somerset Police and the NHS aimed at encouraging young people to make a report if they know someone is carrying a knife.

The workshop – designed to be delivered in schools and youth settings - features a powerful film co-created with young people and teaches participants potentially life-saving first aid skills.
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    Laura Selby
    Deputy Manager, Sheffield Young Carers.
    Laura has worked with children and young people experiencing disadvantage and marginalisation in a range of settings for over 20 years, providing specialist support to young carers for the last twelve. Within her role, she also deliver training to health, social care and education agencies to build their capacity to identify and support young carers.

    She is firmly committed to ensuring the experiences and expertise of young carers and their families are at the heart of developing and delivering the services that affect their lives. She works with a range of local strategic partners to ensure young carers are listened to and inform local policy and planning.

    She coordinates a national network that brings young carers from around the country together to campaign collectively on the issues that matter to them. She also delivers our training with young carers wherever possible.

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    Sara Rehman
    Trustee of Sheffield Young Carers and Young Adult Carer
    Sara has been a young carer since the age of 7 and was referred to SYC at the age of 14.

    Since then, she has been immensely supported by the charity and because of this, she joined their Action Group and then subsequently their board of directors, in order to give back to the cause. With her role in the charity, she has co-facilitated several events to raise awareness about young carers. This has included co-delivering conferences and training for Sheffield Health and Social Care Trust and more.

    Aside from her work with SYC, she is also starting university this month to study medicine and become a doctor!