Some small changes and omissions within the revised EYFS raise important questions about the expectations of the adult role in supporting learning: Helen Moylett outlines the ongoing importance of:

- The principles relating to Positive Relationships and Enabling Environments in supporting each unique child’s learning and development
- The cycle of observation, assessment and planning play, and providing a balance of child-initiated and adult-led learning
- Supporting children’s innate dispositions (‘characteristics’) to learn
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    Helen Moylett
    Early years consultant and author, Co-author of the original Development Matters guidance

    Helen Moylett is an independent early years consultant and has a national reputation as an inspirational conference speaker. Early in her career she worked in schools as a primary, early years and home school liaison teacher, an adviser and then as a senior lecturer in early years and primary at Manchester Metropolitan University.

    In 2000 she became head of an early years centre. As a head teacher she was a Birth to Three Matters trainer and researcher. From 2004-2011 she worked for the National Strategies and was centrally involved in developing the EYFS and led the Every Child a Talker programme. She was an expert adviser to the Tickell EYFS review and co-authored ‘Development Matters.

    Helen has written and edited several early years books. She tutors at the Centre for Research in Early Childhood in Birmingham and is a Vice President of Early Education. She received a Nursery World Lifetime Achievement Award in 2019.