Lead on the revised Development Matters guidance, Dr Julian Grenier, sets out:

The overarching aims of the changes to the EYFS

Key features of practice, including a commitment to inclusion, a broad and balanced curriculum and child-centred pedagogy, which will enable settings to navigate the revised EYFS and Ofsted frameworks and support the emotional and learning needs of every child in their care.
  • 1620982853-fef8979ce5c67c35
    Dr Julian Grenier
    Head teacher, Sheringham Nursery School and Children’s Centre, East London, Lead on the revised Development Matters guidance

    Julian has taught in inner-London schools since 1990, starting off in primary and then specialising in the early years. He has been the head teacher of two maintained nursery schools and was the senior early years adviser to Tower Hamlets from 2010-2012. He has a doctorate in education (EdD) from the UCL Institute of Education and is the author of several best-selling books on early years education and care.

    Julian is the head teacher of Sheringham Nursery School and Children’s Centre in Newham, which is a National Teaching School, and is the lead on revising the EYFS guidance Development Matters. Sheringham is currently leading an EEF-funded project to improve children’s early communication, Manor Park Talks. Sheringham is also one of London’s three Early Years Hubs, supported by the Mayor of London. Julian is a Founding Fellow of the Chartered College of Teachers and is on the editorial board of their journal, Impact. He has contributed regularly to Nursery World.