An all-too-common challenge for new teachers is handling the range of SEND that are so often found in the mainstream classroom. In this practical session, Garry Freeman will offer tips, resources and ideas to support ECTs. He will discuss where to find useful information on the range of common SEN that ECTs will likely encounter, including ADHD, autism and others. He will discuss how to connect the information in student SEN profiles to teaching and supporting the actual child in the classroom, where you can go to find professional support (and it's not just the SENCO!), how to build relationships with parents and families, and how teacher-student relationships are at the heart of effective SEN support and teaching. He will also touch upon issues of teacher wellbeing and self-care.
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    Garry Freeman
    SEND Consultancy, SENDCo and National SEND System Leader
    Garry is an independent SEND Consultant, with 43 years of previous teaching and leadership experience in secondary and special schools throughout West Yorkshire and Lancashire.

    Garry is, and has been, instrumental in shaping SEND provision across England as a Whole-School SEND Reviewer, a National SEND System Leader and project lead for local authority improvement support. He has been an Associate Consultant for Nasen and Chair of their 0-11 Advisory Group. He is a highly skilled, driven and committed SEND leader, supporting schools, trusts and local authorities in a wide range of educational improvement priorities, focusing on caring, positive leadership and the management of change. He writes extensively for a range of educational publications.

    As a skilled and intuitive leader of SEND and inclusion, Ofsted described his practice as “beyond outstanding……..inspirational!”