Since Ofsted's EIF, many schools have overhauled the intent, implementation and impact of their curriculum – but can your school staff and students talk confidently about your curriculum in action? What is your curriculum narrative and how do you communicate this to key stakeholders – including of course Ofsted inspectors? This workshop will consider how curriculum narrative fits into the three "I"s of the Ofsted inspection. The workshop will also offer practical strategies to equip and support your school staff to talk confidently about the curriculum, considering how we can translate the written policies and curriculum action plans into a narrative that everyone in the school and beyond can understand and embrace. There will be a specific focus on Ofsted's subject deep dives methodology – and how we can support our subject leaders to thrive when the inspectors come calling.
  • E
    Events Team
  • 1673439539-e0cc83c9cdfcc873
    Ross Bennett